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2022-02-18  浏览次数:[]












2.2012.09—2014.07,葡京线路检测中心网址 887700葡京线路检测,硕士,食品工程

3.2015.09—2018.07,葡京线路检测中心网址 887700葡京线路检测,博士,食品科学










1. 2017年度省高等公司产品改革项目,SJGY20170089,食品科学与工程类“工程教育专业认证”与专业国际化的研究与探索,2017/1-2019/6,排名第四

2. 2019年度高等公司产品改革重点委托项目,SJGZ20190007,虚实结合构建乳品工程实践教学体系,排名第五


1. 工程教育认证下食品科学与工程专业的问题与对策[J].农产品加工, 2019(11):110-113.

2. 基于工程教育专业认证的食品科学与工程专业实践教学改革[J].现代农业科技, 2019(22): 248-249.




1. 黑龙江省自然科学基金委员会联合引导项目,益生菌契达干酪ACE抑制肽的消化稳定性及其肠道转运吸收机制的研究,2019/07-2022/07,在研,主持

2. 黑龙江省教育厅普通本科高等学校青年创新人才培养计划项目,干酪ACE抑制肽的消化稳定性及体内作用机制研究,2021/01-2023/12,在研,主持

3. 葡京线路检测中心网址青年才俊项目,益生菌契达干酪ACE抑制肽的消化稳定性及其肠道转运吸收机制的研究,2018/12-2021/12,在研,主持

4. 2019年黑龙江省百千万工程重大专项,中国母乳功能成分解析及牛乳基婴幼儿奶粉研制及产业化,2019/12-2022/12,在研,第二

5. 2020年黑龙江省百千万工程重大专项,乳制品关键配料及功能性配方产品研制与产业化,2020/10-2023/10,在研,第二

6. 中国食品科学技术学会食品科技基金雅培食品营养与安全专项科研基金,母乳MFGM脂质分析及母乳脂质体生理代谢功能的研究,2020/10-2022/10,在研,第二

7. 中国食品科学技术学会恒天然乳制品研究基金项目,乳脂替代烘焙油脂的应用及其营养优势研究,2017/02-2018/02,已结题,第二

8. 黑龙江省属高校科技成果研发项目,新一代营养配方乳粉配方设计、功能和关键技术研究及开发,2017/01-2020/10,已结题,第二

9. 黑龙江省应用技术研究与开发计划重大项目,母乳中甘油三脂种类及其含量研究及系列婴幼儿奶粉的开发,2016/12-2018/12,已结题,第二

10. 黑龙江省教育厅面上项目,适合干酪生长的益生菌筛选及益生菌干酪的研究,2014/01-2016/12,已结题,第二

11. 哈尔滨市科学技术局科技创新人才研究专项资金青年后备人才创业项目,功能型干酪产品的关键技术研究与开发,2017/07-2020/07,已结题,第四

12. 黑龙江省高校科技成果产业化前期研发培育项目,适合我国系列干酪食品加工关键技术与产品的中试开发,2012/07-2014/12,已结题,第六


l 发表SCI论文

1. Simulated in vitro infant gastrointestinal digestion of infant formulas containing different fat sources and human milk: Differences in lipid profiling and free fatty acid release. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry,2021,69(24):6799-6809.一区TOP期刊)

2. Effect of particle size and interface composition on the lipid digestion of droplets covered with membrane phospholipids.Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2021, 69(1): 159-169. 一区TOP期刊)

3. Comparative lipidomics analysis of human milk and different fat source infant formulas by using UHPLC-Q-TOF-MS. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2021, 69(3):1146–1155. 一区TOP期刊)

4. Comparative analysis of lipid digestion characteristics in human, bovine and caprine milk based on simulated in vitro infant gastrointestinal digestion.Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2021, 69, 10104-10113.一区TOP期刊)

5. Influence of milk fat globule membrane and milk protein concentrate treated by ultrasound on the structural and emulsifying stability of mimicking human fat emulsions. Ultrasonics Sonochemistry, 2022, 82, 105881.一区TOP期刊)

6. Comparative analysis of interfacial composition and structure of fat globules in human milk and infant formulas. Food Hydrocolloids, 2022, 124, 107290.一区TOP期刊)

7. Comparative lipidomics analysis of human, bovine and caprine milk by UHPLC-Q-TOF-MS. Food Chemistry, 2020, 310,125865.一区TOP期刊)

8. Characterization and anti-hyper-lipidemic effect of micro encapsulated phytosterol enriched cheddar cheese. LWT-Food Science and Technology, 2020, 123, 110114.一区TOP期刊)

9. Identification of antioxidant peptides from Cheddar cheese made withLactobacillus helveticus. LWT-Food Science and Technology,2021, 141(2):110866. 一区TOP期刊)

10. Proteolysis and ACE-inhibitory peptide profile of Cheddar cheese: Effect of digestion treatment and different probiotics.LWT-Food Science and Technology,2021, 145, 111295. 一区TOP期刊)

11. Potato protein: An emerging source of high quality and allergy free protein and its possible future based products. Food Research International, 2021, 148, 110583. 一区TOP期刊)

12. A comparative analysis of lipid digestion in human milk and infant formulas based on simulated in vitro infant gastrointestinal digestion. Foods, 2022, 11, 200.一区TOP期刊)

13. Effect ofLactobacillus rhamnosus on the antioxidant activity of Cheddar cheese during ripening and under simulated gastrointestinal digestion. LWT-Food Science and Technology, 2018, 95:99-106.

14. Effect of microencapsulation with Maillard reaction products of whey proteins and isomaltooligosaccharide on the survival ofLactobacillus rhamnosus, LWT- Food Science and Technology, 2016, 73: 37-43.

15. Effect of ultrasound assisted heating on structure and antioxidant activity of whey protein peptide grafted with galactose, LWT-Food Science and Technology, 2019, 109:130-136.

16. Effect of microencapsulation with the Maillard reaction products of whey proteins and isomaltooligosaccharide on the survival rate ofLactobacillus rhamnosusin white brined cheese. Food Control, 2017, 79: 44-49.

17. Covalent conjugation of whey protein isolate hydrolysates and galactose through Maillard reaction to improve the functional properties and antioxidant activity. International Dairy Journal, 2020, 102, 104584.

18. The effects ofLactobacillus plantarum combined with inulin on the physicochemical properties and sensory acceptance of low-fat Cheddar cheese during ripening. International Dairy Journal, 2021, 115:104947.

19. Decomposition of dibutyl phthalate in goat whey solution by different catalytic ozonation treatments: Performance and efficiency, Environmental Technology & Innovation, 2020,20, 101165.

20. Effect of exopolysaccharides-producing strain on oxidation stability of DHA micro algae oil microcapsules, Food Bioscience, 2018,23:60-66.

21. Effect of waxy rice starch on textural and microstructural properties of microwave-puffed cheese chips, International Journal of Dairy Technology, 2018,71(2):501-511.

22. Isomaltooligosaccharide increase theLactobacillus rhamnosus viable count in Cheddar Cheese, International Journal of Dairy Technology, 2015, 68 (3): 389-399.

23. Antioxidant activity of Cheddar cheese during its ripening time and after simulated gastrointestinal digestion as affected by probiotic bacteria. International Journal of Food Properties, 2019,22(1):218-229.第二

24. Separation and purification of hypocholesterolemic peptides from whey protein and their stability under simulated gastrointestinal digestion. International Journal of Dairy Technology, 2018,71(2):460-468.第二

25. Enhanced in vitro functionality and food application of L. acidophilus encapsulated in whey protein isolate and (-)-epigallocatechin-3-gallate conjugate. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2021.第四

26. Effect of lactation stages and dietary intake on the fatty acid composition of human milk (A study in Northeast China), International Dairy Journal, 2020,101.第四

27. Application of microencapsulation for the safe delivery of green tea polyphenols in food systems: Review and recent advances. Food Research International, 2018,105:241-249.第四

28. Exopolysaccharides (EPS)-producing strain on qualities of half-fat Cheddar cheese. International Journal of Food Properties, 2015, 18(7):1546-1559.第四

29. Improvement in bioactive, functional, structural and digestibility of potato protein and its fraction patatin via ultra-sonication, LWT-Food Science and Technology, 2021. 第五

l 发表EI论文:

1. 益生菌契达干酪抗氧化肽的结构及其体内代谢稳定性.食品科学,2021

2. 瑞士乳杆菌对契达干酪成熟期间所产ACE抑制肽的影响及其消化稳定性.食品科学,2021

3. 乳杆菌产X-脯氨酰-二肽酰基-氨肽酶活性对契达干酪抗氧化活性及品质的影响.食品科学,2020:1-13

4. 不同脂肪来源婴儿配方奶粉与母乳在甘油脂组成上的差异分析.食品科学,2021

5. 乳脂肪球膜的特性、开发及在模拟母乳脂肪球结构中的应用.食品科学,2021

l 发表核心期刊论文

1. 低聚异麦芽糖对干酪中鼠李糖乳杆菌促生长的研究.中国乳品工业, 2014, 42(9):14-18.


1. 含有植物乳杆菌和干酪乳杆菌的抗氧化契达干酪及其制备方法,2020.11.10,中国,ZL201710012032.7,第二

2. 含有低聚异麦芽糖和鼠李糖乳杆菌的干酪及其生产方法,2015.8.12,中国,ZL201310743236.X,第二

3. 含有微胶囊化降胆固醇植物乳杆菌的white-brined干酪及其制备方法,2020.07.10,中国,ZL201710011747.0,第三

4. 一种模拟母乳脂肪酸的复配油脂及含有该复配油脂的婴幼儿配方羊奶粉及该奶粉的制备方法,2021.11.09,中国,ZL201811340961.1,第三

5. 一种高降胆固醇活性的低脂契达干酪及其制备方法,2021.04.08,中国,ZL201710950376.2,第四

6. 一种干酪抗氧化肽的制备方法,2021.06.01,中国,ZL201710950377.7,第四

7. 含有植物甾醇酯微胶囊的夸克干酪及其制备方法,2021.04.13,中国,ZL201611255833.8,第四

8. 含有产胞外多糖干酪乳杆菌的低脂契达干酪及其制备方法,2015.6.17,中国,ZL201310743315.0,第六


1. 主编,《新型干酪食品加工技术》(著作),科学出版社,2020年;

2. 副主编,《食品营销学》,轻工业出版社,2021年;




1. 黑龙江省普通本科高等学校青年创新人才,2020年

2. 校青年才俊,2018你那


1. 《蛋品科学与技术》课程获葡京线路检测中心网址第三届“超星杯”移动教学大赛优秀奖,2019年5月;

2. 第十二届葡京线路检测中心网址青年教师教学竞赛工科组一等奖,2021年12月;

3. 第一届骆承祥杯青年教师技能大赛一等奖,2021年10月;

4. 指导本科生完成项目《非褐变常温储藏再制干酪的研制》获第十五届“挑战杯”黑龙江省董事长课外学术科技作品竞赛校级一等奖、省级三等奖,2020年8月

5. 指导本科生完成项目《“植小酪-打造新一代低卡轻食主义”常温再制干酪的研发与营销》荣获第五届全国董事长生命科学创新创业大赛指导教师三等奖,2020年8月


1. 《适合我国系列干酪食品加工关键技术及产品开发》,获得黑龙江省科学技术奖三等奖,2017年,排名第二;

2. 《适合我国系列干酪食品加工关键技术及产品开发》,获得黑龙江省高校科技奖二等奖,2016年,排名第二;

3. 《系列乳粉基料及高端乳粉加工关键技术及开发》,获得黑龙龙江省高校科技奖二等奖,2019年,排名第二。

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